Saturday, January 16, 2010


And here's Nolan. This little guy was absolutely precious!! He put up a pretty good fight to do anything but go to sleep in the beginning, but once he did we were able to get some great pictures of this little man. His mom was so calm, cool, and collected for a first time mommy and you can tell that Nolan is already in love with his mommy. It was sweet to watch how calm he became in her arms...precious! I'll be excited to watch this little man grow up as well, as KSP will be doing his milestone sessions as well! Oh and I LOVE his name! Hope you enjoy!!


Sweet little Joanna or "Joey" was also one of my newborn sessions. Joey was such a GOOD baby during her newborn session and her 3 month shoot was no different. This precious little girl did beautifully and had a very attentive audience in her parents who are just so in love with this little joy. Can't wait to watch as she continues to grow up. Hope you enjoy little Joey!

For Mom and Mom-in-law

These two pics made for perfect gifts for the grandparents! These two cuties are my nephews and I must admit I think they're pretty adorable...and no I'm not bias at all. The top one is my mom with 3 yr. old Carson. The bottom is our other nephew little Kyler who not too long ago became a big brother of sweet Chloe. We're hoping our children will be even half as cute as these them both. Hope you enjoy!!

My babies

If you know me even a little then you know I am maybe a little obsessed with my niece (Reese) and nephew (Carson). These two have quite entirely stolen my heart and I cannot wait for the day...someday...when we live a little closer. These pics were taken over a recent visit and were just too sweet not to put on here. Hope you enjoy!!

Delgado Fam

I got the privilege of doing a Christmas shoot for the Delgado family back in November and had so much fun doing it. As you can tell by the selects Miss Ava absolutely stole the show. And rightfully so, this cutie is full of personally and is loved by all. So, of course, it was the right thing to do to give her the spotlight in the selects. Ava is big sis to little Kate that was also featured on the blog several months back. Ava did a wonderful job helping out with Kate during the session and now it's her time to steal the lime light. Hope you enjoy!!


This cutie pie is the niece of a friend from college which made the session all the more fun. I have a feeling this little one is going to be one blessed little girl having been born into such a wonderful family. Love will not be in any kind of shortage for little Miss Abby! She was an angel for the session! Loved her little rolls! Hope you enjoy!!

Little Miss Ellie

This sweet little girl was born back in November and I am just now updating with her pics. Can we say a little behind? And luckily enough this will not be the last time you see this precious face, I am doing her 3 month session in February and cannot wait to see how she's grown!! She came prepared complete with a pearl bracelet. Some of these pictures are my front running favs to my collection. Little Ellie is already workin that camera. Hope you enjoy!!